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Search results for berry.

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STRAWBERRY, PINK FLOWERED Fragaria sp.   Bright attractive pink flowers and late summer fruits, edible creeping ground cover. Plant - £3.50
CRANBERRY (Muileag) Vaccinium oxycoccus 2cm. A creeping Scots native plant with tiny pink flowers and small juicy red berries. It is quite a delicate plant so grow on for one or two seasons in ericaceous compost until large enough to cope with its preferred native spagnum bog conditions, best planted in the spring. This is not the species that produces Cranberry juice (which is V. macrocarpus) Plant - £7.50
STRAWBERRY, WILD (Subh-lair) Fragaria vesca 10cm. Edible ground cover, with delicious flavour and fragrance especially when fully ripe.Birds leave them alone in our garden. Plant - £2.50
BEARBERRY (Grainnseag) Arctostaphylos uva ursi PE  10cm. Highland mat forming evergreen shrub with glossy leathery pointed leaves,early pink clustered flowers followed by bright autumn red berries.Rock garden with acid soil. A well known antiseptic and diuretic for urinary and bladder problems such as cystitis.Sorry sold out Plant - £5.50
CROWBERRY (Dearcan feannaig) Empetrum nigrum P E 10cm. Native creeping evergreen with pink flowers and black berries, tasty in a mixed wild fruit salad. Prefers acidic conditions in rock garden. Plant - £5.50
STRAWBERRY, HIMALAYAN Fragaria nubicola 15cm. Native to the Hamalaya at altitudes between 2-3,000 metres, this softly haired perennial bears white flowers in May and small red fruits with a pleasant flavour in July. Plant - £3.50
HERB PARIS Paris quadrifolia 20cm. A rare and remarkable native poisonous plant with four or more whorls of leaves,attractive yellowy-green flowers and a blue/black berry. Used in homoeopathy . Enjoys a shaded site in summer with a humus rich soil. Plant - £7.50
c COWBERRY / LINGONBERRY (Lus nam Broileag) Vaccinium vitis-idaea 20cm. 'Red Whortleberry'. Highland evergreen herb. Pink or white flowers followed by red edible autumn/winter berries. Prefers acidic soil conditions and a wee bit of shade .Sow the seeds outside in the autumn. Plant - £5.50
c BANEBERRY, BLACK Actaea spicata 45cm. Deep green fern-like foliage, white flowers and poisonous black berries which yield a black dye. Shaded site. Plant - £4.50
BLAEBERRY/BILBERRY (Braoileag) Vaccinium myrtillus 45cm. Native deciduous undershrub with sweet deep purple berries for use in juice, jam, pies or wine. The leaves help lower blood sugar levels. Enjoys acidic moist soil, with a little shade. In the wild they often grow under the canopy of Scots Pine trees. Plant - £5.50
RASPBERRY, WILD (Subh-craoibh) Rubus idaeus 150cm. Wild stock from our croft. Raspberry leaf tea has a good reputation for easing labour pains; externally it may also be used as an eyewash, mouthwash or for ulcers and wounds. Plant - £3.50
c BARBERRY Berberis vulgaris 200cm. A native deciduous shrub with slightly oriental looking yellow flowers followed by bright red berries, used in medieval times as a high vitamin C jelly. In Europe and in India the root and bark are used extensively, for example as a liver tonic and detoxicant and for their anti-cancer effects. Plant - £7.50
Seeds - £2.00
c ELDER (Droman) Sambucus nigra   Almost every part of this small deciduous tree is of medicinal value. Elderflower champagne and elderberry wine can also have therapeutic effects! Sow the seeds outside in the autumn. Plant - £4.50
Seeds - £2.00
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